Jonathan J. Miller

Product designer
Brand strategist

A creative by craft.
A problem-solver by trade.

From brand positioning down to the components of a design system, I can connect the pieces in order to build products that are both elegant expressions of brand and effective reflections of cultural expectations for usability.

I create usable brands

With branding undergoing a shift from communications to experience, I specialize in translating brand principles into digital products.


Brand positioning

I uncover spaces where brand truths overlap with cultural truths, positioning brands to communicate with resonance.

Information architecture

I mine and organize information in ways that mesh organizational principles with established user mental models.

Content strategy

I develop strategies and systems for content that facilitates the completion of tasks and the communication of brand identity.

Experience design

I create interfaces that are intuitive and elegant expressions of brand, yet are practical and scalable enough for enterprises.

What I bring to your projects:

I’m methodical
I know what it takes to create great work and apply my approach to create an environment for success.
I’m detailed
Being organized and thorough is how I set myself and my teammates up for success.
I’m open
Diversity in perspective is how conventions are broken and breakthroughs are made.

Let’s rock

Maybe you haven’t heard, but the thumbs-up emoji is now considered by the youngest generation to be passive-aggressive. But at least in this one, ultimately very unimportant regard, I can consider myself ahead of the curve.

That’s because this is my signature. Always has been. When you see it in Slack, you know it’s me, foregoing a simple “yes” or “ok” in favor of an enthusiastic “let’s f—ing do it.”

The sign of the horns emoji