My work

There’s no challenge I won’t take on, and no standard I won’t meet.

I chose life as a creative professional because I feel most engaged with the world around me when I’m applying creativity and craft to solving problems and making things.

Select works

MGM Resorts Int'l

Vega design system

Creating a bespoke enterprise cross-platform design system with design tokens.
MGM Resorts Int'l

Discovery & navigation

Restructuring a brand and sub-brand web experience, from navigation through detail pages.
Kawasaki Motors

Global web redesign

Folding in sub-brands and robust commerce capabilities while going global.
Sky Zone

Rebrand & web redesign

Restoring prominence to a once-dominant category innovator and leader.
TRX Training

Ecommerce web redesign

Revitalizing a product leader caught off-guard by rapid digital sales shifts.